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5 Funny But Realistic Ways to Avoid Overeating

Theater Worker: "Popcorn?"
Customer: "No, I'll take the Triple Bacon Deluxe value meal w/ cheese. Thank you."

Everyone has, at some point, developed a vice for when they're bored. Everyone. If you say you don't then I don't think you're being very honest with yourself. Well, I take that back. Maybe it isn't necessarily a vice. Perhaps, you are just trying to fill a void or keep yourself occupied. Unfortunately, those things can sometimes become bad habits. And bad habits can be easy to develop. *bites Twinkie*

America is what I call the Captain of Comfort. After a long day of punching the old clock, we go home to a 24/7 stream of comforting distractions. Hundreds of channels are just a button away, our bed has enough Memory Foam to last a lifetime of memories, and spending less than 90 minutes on Social Media is almost unheard of. But the most common bad habit possibly known to man is overeating. Dare to argue with that?

Our nation is the most obese nation in the world. It's sad, but true. I swear, it seems like there is a new 2 for $1, 3 for $2, or 4 for $4 every month! You can go to a fast food restaurant anytime of day or night. You can eat as much as you want, whenever you want! And how about the movie theater? I went to a movie theater once and was handed a menu when I sat down. They had everything from milkshakes and burgers to grilled cheese sandwiches and salads. In a movie theater! We've become accustomed to eating while our brains aren't as active that it actually feels odd watching television without something to snack on while doing so.

Overeating is almost like putting too much lotion in your hands when you only needed a drop or two. You were only a little ashy, but you got carried away with the shake! Before you know it, you have both hands full of lotion. You think, "Well, I might as well rub it all in. Don't want to be wasteful." But in the end, you are just an over lubricated mess.

Okay, mayyyybe that analogy was extra, but I'm trying to paint a picture here. Whether it's too much lotion or too much food, too much is usually unintentional...but ultimately too bad. Overeating is easy to do, but don't get discouraged! Here are some ways to avoid overeating.

Solution #1: Go to sleep.
As I said earlier, eating can be something that we do when we are bored. Even when it's just a small snack, if you're not really hungry, you're just mindlessly forcing food into your body. Moments like this can be avoided be spending that snack time taking a short nap. If it's at night (when most snack attacks occur), remind yourself of how early you have to be up the next day. When you remember how grumpy you are in the morning, you'll probably convince yourself to stay in bed instead of walking to the kitchen.

Solution #2: Drink...water. *nice try*
You know that little growl your stomach does in the morning...noon...and night? I bet you think you're hungry again, right? Wrong. Well, for the most part. Especially, after you've eaten already. Hunger pains or pangs could even occur. You may think you're still hungry when your body actually just needs water. It's easy to confuse thirst with hunger. To be sure, drink a glass of water and see if the pain is still there. That can determine whether or not you can get that 2nd๐Ÿ˜ฏ, 3rd๐Ÿ˜, or 4th๐Ÿ˜‘ serving. Water is a great solution for hunger pains and it actually fills you up a lot faster than anything else. The only downside is that it doesn't taste like chicken. Fiddlesticks. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

Solution #3: Clean something. Clean anything.
Nothing takes your mind off of food like cleaning a toilet. Now if cleaning a toilet makes you think about food then I'm a little concerned about. But anyway, cleaning is enough physical activity to keep your mind on the task at hand and you usually want to finish what you've started. It is very time consuming and the physicality of it can make you really tired. And that takes us back to solution #1. You've got a 2 for 1 special here.

Solution #4: Go shopping.
Shopping can be therapeutic. And much like cleaning, it can be very time consuming. If you want to take your mind off of food, go try on some clothes that are "your size". Nothing humbles you more like trying on clothes and ripping them like the Hulk or not being able to take off what you put on. Don't be upset. Make some changes. Instead of stopping by Wendy's when you leave the mall, go get a large water with lemon from Panera Bread or McAlister's. You will feel full and likely dodge 1,000 calories. Plus, think about all the money you'll save when you don't have to buy new clothes because you are not bursting out of the ones you already have. You're welcome.

Solution #5: Check your bank account.
It's Friday. You've had a long week of snacking. Now go and pull up your bank statement from earlier this week. How much have you spent on food? Probably, quite a bit. Even if you plan, budget, eat at home, etc., you are still spending a significant amount of money on unnecessary food purchases. Seeing how much extra you've spent in just a week can inspire anyone to stop going back into the kitchen when it's closed. The more you eat in your house, the more money you spend at the grocery store replenishing all of that good food. And stop eating out so much. The more you stop for a "little something", the more minus signs you'll see next to Chick-fil-A on your outgoing expenses sheet.

#bonus: Take care of your body.
Your body is a temple and how you look after it is very important. Don't eat too much. Don't let food tell you what to do. Look at food as fuel, not a means for comfort and coping. It is a necessity, but only when necessary. Don't go overboard. Don't try to put 15 gallons of gas in your car if it only holds 12. Wait until you really need it then put the other 3 in. Easier said than done because food is so good. But having a healthy relationship with it is so much better. Your jeans will fit so much better, too.


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