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Become The Wife That He Prays To Find

Lately, it's been popular among some single women to pray for a Russell Wilson or ask Ciara what she prayed to get him. If you go to Instagram and type in #Ciara, you'll likely find of picture of her and her new husband Russell Wilson. And yes, he will likely be holding one of their children. (One of which she had with her ex Future, for those who don't know the backstory.) We all cheered for her as she went from being publicly ridiculed after a nasty breakup from a seemingly toxic rapper to then being treated like ole girl at the end of Coming To America by a Jesus following NFL star. (Geesh) We all wanted some of that answered prayer! I know I did! But I've grown enough to know to be praying and asking God to make me the woman that attracts and keeps a good man like that. (Of course, we don't know him personally, but I hope you know their story enough to know why I'm referencing him.) Even in a season of marriage, that time shouldn't be spent looking at your (biological) clock. You should spend that time preparing for what you are praying and believing God for very soon.

Become the woman that you are praying and/or looking for as a spouse. Become the wife that a good man prays to find! It seems very popular for single women to pray for a Boaz, Russell Wilson, or simply a "man of God". As you should! Any woman in her right mind wants a good man! There are more than enough bad seeds to go around and we've all had our share of heartbreak from wrong relationships. A lot of prayers have gone up on behalf of ourselves and other sisters that have been subject to some nasty ole bad breakups or run-ins with counterfeits. We've cried our eyes out and listened to Keisha Cole and Mary J. Blige frontwards and backwards. We've even turned on Marvin Sapp's "Never Would Have Made It" when we think about how God brought us through it. But how many times did we stop to look in the mirror to see if we were or will be the problem in past and future relationships?

I know, I know. You were with me until I started pointing your finger back at you, right? I know it stings, but the best way to attract a good man is to become a good woman. We all have our own definition of "good", I'm sure. But ask yourself what you want your future husband to be. Then ask yourself if you are willing to be that, as well. Do you want a man that is a great listener? If so, ask yourself "Am I willing to listen to him when he just wants to talk?" (You know us women can talk even when someone else is talking! Lol.) Do you want a man that is kind? If so, ask yourself "How kind am I?" Do you dislike a stingy man? If so, ask yourself "Do I give grudgingly?" Real talk. It really is that deep. None of us are perfect and any woman with common sense would want a good man to marry her. The desire to be a wife is a great desire to have! But I dare you to allow God to mold you into the wife that will attract and keep the husband that He has for you. It takes time, patience, obedience, and courage to let God do a work in you to prepare you to be a wife. A "Russell Wilson" is looking for a wife, not just a boo to play house with. So if you are looking to play house, maybe you aren't ready for him. You want a brighter future, not Future. (Sorry Future.)

He who finds a wife finds a good thing. What will he find when he finds you? Think about it, ladies. I'm there with you. We're in this together! These are questions that I've had to ask myself. The answers may indicate where you are and whether or not you need to do some re-evaluating.

How is your current marriage (to God)?
Are you in a relationship with Him at all?
What kind of woman/spouse are you?
What kind of men are you attracting?
Who are you keeping company with?
Are you willing to let God end some of your relationships and friendships?
Does your desire to be married outweigh your desire to serve/worship God in your singleness?
If God tells you that you will never be married, will you be okay?


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