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Dear Mama,

            What is a mother? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Sure, society thinks about it at least once a year around Mother’s Day, but do we ever answer it for ourselves? If you ask me, I think a mother is one of the best blessings that a person can have in life. That definition may not be in Webster’s Dictionary, but it’s in Charelle’s Dictionary. I’m so blessed to have two mothers.

Some women have the honor of giving birth to children and raising them.  By nature, she dedicates most of her time and energy to her sons and daughters and the needs of those children are usually met without hesitation. Growing up, I really don’t remember going to bed hungry. If I did, it was probably on those nights when peas were on the menu. I hated peas so most of them went into the trash. Sorry, mom. Lol. There were days that I didn’t see my mother that much because when I was just getting home from school, she was just heading to work. She worked hard to take care of us, had little to no sleep, cooked and cleaned when she didn’t feel like it, and still found time to celebrate each of us in her own way. She had 7 unique personalities (children J) and the things that some days would bring were often unpredictable. Thankfully, many were filled with laughter. Though faced with many adversities, I don't recall ever seeing her fold under pressure. She's always had an amazing ability to bounce back. She’s stronger and tougher than she appears to be. I noticed that even as a little girl. Her smile and her heart for people outweighed her toughness, though. I love that about her and I’m very much like her in that way. I was sheltered, in a way, and not exposed to a lot. Looking back, I’m sure there were a lot of things that I was protected from. I didn’t like it or understand it at the time. I’m thankful for it now, though. She is a piece to my puzzle. When I left home after high school, I believe that my mother was nervous for me.  She knew that I had never been away from her for too long and that it was a big world out there. I was as green as freshly cut grass.

God has a way of piecing our lives together that makes the perfect picture. He knows what we need and, if we stick close to Him, He’ll make sure that the other pieces get properly placed. I moved to Carbondale and was blessed with a spiritual mother. 11 years ago, I didn’t even know that I needed one. My natural mother raised me and solidified in me everything that she knew. I know it was hard for her to let me go because I'm her favorite. (This is not up for discussion, siblings. Lol) She didn’t realize that she was passing the baton to a woman who God had been preparing for years to mentor a young woman like myself. She has served under and influenced many great names that we all know today. She is full of the Word of God and has grown tremendously in her devotion to Him. That same devotion has a way of blessing me every time I am in her presence. The words that she speaks to me are weighted with wisdom that can only come from a life of walking with Jesus. She challenges me to be everything that I can be in God. As a spiritual mother, she leads me in a way that institutes a real walk with Jesus that she models daily. Before I was even born, God was preparing her to meet me and help me to become the woman that I am today. She is another piece to my puzzle.

I am truly blessed to have mothers in my life. I know that they both love me and want the absolute best for my life. Though they are very different, I am able to see their similarities. My favorite one is strength. So when you add this natural mother and this spiritual mother to my picture, the outcome is what you see when you look at me today. I’m stronger, wiser, and better than I've ever been. I am not where I want to be just yet, but I am well on my way. Thank you, to both of my mothers.


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