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Showing posts from August, 2016

A Bumpy Start

  As I embark on my journey of a fresher face, I realize that it will come with some critics. My biggest one would have to be none other than myself. Every single time I wash my face, I see a contestant on America's Got Blemishes. See what I did there? Lol. Anyway, I really can't remember what my skin used to look like and I REFUSE to pull those pictures back out! I've started out with the basic water and towel regime which never fails when it comes to feeling less disgusting at the end of the day. But with make-up comes a new kind of "end of the day" dirt. The kind of dirt that keeps Palmolive, Tide, and Zest in business. Especially, when you can't wash your face until the very end of the day. My poor pores got about as much air as a resident of Bikini Bottom. As I continued to follow my gut regarding which face soaps to use, I never really remained consistent long enough to get real results. I had always been a microwave type of person(fast results)

Who made up make-up?

I started wearing make-up when I was about 12. Well, I played in my mom's foundation here and there when I was younger, but I never got to leave the house. Once I had gotten to junior high school, I had convinced my mom that I really need white, yes white, liner on my top lid. You know, to make my eyes "pop". I had seen her do it plenty of times and she looked so pretty to me. I was determined to get that same look. On top of all of that, boys called me ugly and any little bit would help. At least, I'd hoped. As time went on, I realized that white liner was no longer my friend due to the fact that I "look like I have chalk on my lashes". The jokes got pretty lame after a while. I guess I couldn't blame anyone for not being able to resist teasing me. When you combine candy store lip gloss with white eyeliner you get a recipe for disaster. So, I guess I had it coming. It was an easy fix, though. Once I was in high school, girls only required very littl
Okay, I'm writing this blog, honestly, out of mild frustration. Well, maybe not exactly frustration. It's more like disappointment. Disappointment in myself: Charelle Monae Byrd . And before you click on something else and completely ignore what I'm about to say, this is NOT a "if I can do it, so can you!" post. This is simply to say, "Girl, you are not the only one. Trust me." I'm here to talk about our least favorite past time: weight gain. It's one of the most loyal enemies you'll meet in your lifetime. When I think back, fat and I used to work well together. As of lately, it has lost it's zeal to perform as excellently and follow instructions as it did before. Let me tell you what happened. As long as I can remember, fat and I have always had a pretty good relationship. It was a little rocky at first because I was initially more concerned with her needs. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted so that she could find her place in my world