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Showing posts from February, 2017

5 Reasons Why You Should Spank Your Children

Disclaimer: This post is meant to be humorous. Please don't have a cow.   Over the years, there have been many debates on how parents should discipline children. Parents have traded in the old-school rod for a simple 3 minute timeout. It seems as if each generation gets more and more lax when it comes to disciplining children. However, it seems that each generation gets worse and worse. Spankings should always stay around. Here's why: 1) It's biblical.  The Bible says that whoever spares the rod hates their children (Proverbs 13:24). I know, I love your kids. And you would never do anything to hurt them. But sometimes, you need to put a hurting on them. In other words, tag that booty! Spanking is not the ONLY way to discipline your children, but neither is a timeout. There's something about a pop on the butt that can get a child's attention in a way that sitting in a corner can not. Besides, who on earth would argue with the Bible?! Oh, wai

A Road To Progress.

Dealing with personal issues can be tough. Especially, since dealing with them requires our willingness to be open. Some topics are just easier to discuss than others. Usually, when someone asks us about our insecurities and issues, we tend to only scratch the surface. We cringe at the thought of stripping ourselves of daily ostentations that we call confidence. That kind of exposure requires vulnerability and, quite frankly, being vulnerable is usually the last thing on our list of priorities. For many of us, it's just easier to get into a conversation about someone else. It's almost like hearing about another person's shortcomings can make us feel good about ourselves or give us relief that we're not the only ones with issues. It's unfortunate, but that tends to be our nature. We choose to partake in these conversations and, in some cases, we leave people with the idea that we have it all together. Or, at least we think we do. Sometimes, we fail to realize

Dear Mama,

            What is a mother? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Sure, society thinks about it at least once a year around Mother’s Day, but do we ever answer it for ourselves? If you ask me, I think a mother is one of the best blessings that a person can have in life. That definition may not be in Webster’s Dictionary, but it’s in Charelle’s Dictionary. I’m so blessed to have two mothers. Some women have the honor of giving birth to children and raising them.  By nature, she dedicates most of her time and energy to her sons and daughters and the needs of those children are usually met without hesitation. Growing up, I really don’t remember going to bed hungry. If I did, it was probably on those nights when peas were on the menu. I hated peas so most of them went into the trash. Sorry, mom. Lol. There were days that I didn’t see my mother that much because when I was just getting home from school, she was just heading to work. She worked hard to take care of us, had