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Showing posts from January, 2017

How To Be A Successful 3rd Wheel

Have you ever heard the expression "2's company, 3's a crowd"? Well, that's what people say. It makes sense when you think about it. Remember those group projects where everyone had to pair up? It made things so much easier if you actually had a partner, didn't it? No one wanted to be the only person left that had to awkwardly pull up a random chair next to perfectly aligned desks. Even adding numbers go so much smoother when there is just a couple of pairs. Add 2 and 2. Good job! You did that in less than a second. Now, add 5, 783 and 12,957. See? Too much thinking. That analogy was probably pointless, but you read it anyway. Ha! As I was saying, the odd man out has always gotten mixed reviews and that's because very few have mastered it. Here are some tips on being a successful 3rd wheel. 1) Accept it. Okay, so maybe when your friend invited you out they forgot to mention that their other friend would be there, too. Don't sweat it! Try no